How to import contacts into Salesforce?

How to Import Contacts into Salesforce

Salesforce is probably the most popular customer relations management (CRM) software available and is an excellent tool for keeping track of your client records. Keeping your contacts in order on Salesforce can mean a much more streamlined sales and marketing process. To import from a spreadsheet you’ll need to save the file as a .csv. […]

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How to import contacts into my Hubspot contact database?

How Do I Import Contacts Into My Hubspot Contact Database

Hubspot is a very powerful sales leads database and a great tool for keeping track of client records. To import a list of contacts it must be in .csv file format and there must be headers such as ‘name’, ‘email’ etc. The categories will be mapped later in the process. Hubspot also requires that each […]

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How Covve helped a University student take control of networking

Covve helps student take control of networking

As a 2nd year University student, the stress of balancing my studies and planning for my professional career is very real! I can see how everything I do in University is about preparing me for after graduation, and nothing is more important than networking. University is one of, if not THE best place to build […]

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How to sync and backup your iPhone contacts with iCloud

How to sync and backup your iphone contacts with icloud

Building your addressbook is a never-ending task that you carry out throughout your personal and professional life. Your addressbook, ultimately, is a unique and important asset, and you certainly don’t want to lose it in the event that your iPhone gets lost or stolen. A great solution to avoid this risk is to synchronize your contacts […]

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How to transfer Google contacts to iCloud

How to transfer google contacts to iCloud

There are many reasons why you may want to transfer your Google contacts to iCloud. Perhaps you’ve moved from an Android device to an iPhone; or perhaps you’ve got your contacts in both Google and iCloud and want to consolidate. This How-to article is going to demonstrate how to transfer your Google contacts over to […]

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How to transfer iCloud contacts to Google Contacts

How to transfer iCloud contacts to Google Contacts

There are many reasons why you may want to transfer your iCloud contacts to Google contacts. Perhaps you’ve moved from an iPhone device to an Android; or perhaps you’ve got your contacts in both Google and iCloud and want to consolidate. Transferring contact data from iCloud to Gmail involves two processes, one is to export […]

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How to export your contacts from LinkedIn and into Gmail

How to export your contacts from LinkedIn and into Gmail

Over the years most of us have built quite a considerable network of contacts on LinkedIn. And yet these contacts remain locked inside LinkedIn – till now! This how-to will help you export your contacts from LinkedIn and, importantly, import all their important data into your Gmail contacts. From there you can sync them with your […]

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How to add job information to my contacts

How to add job information to my contacts

When managing your contacts, it is always helpful to have as much complete and up to date data as possible. Company info and job title in particular are invaluable for being able to effectively search through your contacts to find whoever you need. This how-to article is going to demonstrate two easy ways to add […]

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How to process a Google contacts .csv export in excel

How to process a Google contacts .csv export in excel

Google contacts provides an easy way to export your contacts to csv (for details on how to export have a look at How to export Google contacts to CSV). With a bit of data manipulation this gives you a great opportunity to be able to edit your contacts directly in Excel, allowing you to rapidly […]

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How to transfer contacts between Skype accounts

How to transfer contacts between Skype accounts

Recently, Skype has fallen victim to virus attacks, where hackers were able to steal usernames and passwords to gain access to accounts and send annoying spam messages. If you are one of those users that claim to receive strange links from random Skype contacts, or if you are just tired of your current username, you […]

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