Articles in category: Research & Education

Cultivating Connection Through Expert-Led Activities in May’s Joyful Masterclass

At times where loneliness runs rampant, it’s more important than ever to take initiative and connect with people with true intention. The Connection Crew Masterclass does just that, inviting people from various walks of life to take the time to unravel who they really are alongside new acquaintances, peers, and friends. May’s Joyful Masterclass for […]

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Building Better Bonds – A Recap of the Covve Workshop on Fostering Connection

Over 90 participants entered the bustling recent workshop hosted by Covve, “A Joyful Masterclass for Connection Professionals,” which unfolded as a vibrant gathering dedicated to forging stronger connections. This masterclass was not just a routine seminar but a dynamic interaction among professionals eager to enrich their connection-building habits amidst the loneliness epidemic that mirrors the […]

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Bringing People Together with Covve’s Connection Crew Masterclass

Let’s dive into the heart of networking and relationship-building with a spotlight on the Covve Connection Crew Masterclass, a dynamic event crafted to revolutionize the way we foster relationships in our professional and personal spheres. With a clear mission to help attendees make meaningful friendships and enhance their social health through practical activities, this workshop […]

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Discover Your Networking Style with Covve’s Connection Compass

Humans are instinctively social beings, seeking camaraderie and friendship throughout life. This craving for connection represents the importance of making friends at work, even if we’re not all great at it. Glassdoor’s Economic Research highlights that 89% of survey participants believe that establishing a sense of belonging in the office is critical for workplace happiness. […]

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Beyond Screen: Decoding Workplace Preferences and the Role of Face-to-Face Communication

by Vasileios Bletsogiannis, Data Analyst at Covve Working from home has taken the world by storm since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. What once was deemed as a necessity to deal with the adversity of the global crisis, teleworking shook the status quo of the future of working conditions and employment.  Teleworking […]

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How Remote Work Impacts Networking Within Companies

The concept of remote work and the impact it could have on the productivity and motivation of employees, has been in discussion long before the COVID-19 pandemic. A 2013 Stanford University study with 500 employees in China showcased that employee productivity increased by 13% as a result of working remotely in quieter environments.  The pandemic […]

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Are you a trustworthy contact?

Your entire network, your credibility in it, and future interactions with others, all depend on trust.  Although perceptions are shaped by first impressions, trust is harnessed in the long term. It is the foundation that makes the relationship last. So even if you make the wrong first impression, you can win the long game by […]

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Meeting in-person or online?

Similar to other social interactions, networking is now majorly conducted via online means. We often connect and stay in touch with other professionals whom we’ve never met in person before. As a result, platforms like LinkedIn have grown multiple times over the past decade. This digital transformation process was further accelerated during the pandemic. One […]

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Connecting with the right crowd

“Networking is linked to many measures of professional success — including getting promoted, having influence, earning more money, and feeling more satisfied in your career”, writes Rebecca Knight, Senior Correspondent for Insider and Contributor at Harvard Business Review.  While this is very true, it all boils down to the people you network with. Connecting to […]

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Opportunities exist outside your comfort zone

We deliberately find comfort in our inner circle. Our family, group of friends, a cluster of professional contacts. People we already know. People who can potentially protect us from a financial or emotional downfall.  This is what research from Northwestern University on “How Socioeconomic Status Impacts the Way We Network”, suggests.  Nonetheless, although our inner […]

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