How to Import Contacts from Other Services in Mailchimp?

How to Import Contacts from Other Services in Mailchimp

As the industry leading mailer software, you’ll be wanting to import contacts from a diverse range of software into Mailchimp.   You can import mailing lists and contacts from everything from your accounting software such as Sage, Freshbooks and Quickbooks or your lead or customer relations software (CRM) such as Salesforce, Eventbrite or Google.   […]

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How to Transfer Data from a Blackberry to an Android Phone?

How to Transfer Data from a Blackberry to an Android Phone

The original business phone has become less of an essential as Android and Apple have become more established.   Although Blackberry produces Android phones nowadays, you may find you need to transfer contacts from a classic Blackberry to an Android phone.   The easiest way to do this without using third party software or connecting […]

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How to Transfer Contacts from Android to Computer or Pen Drive?

How to Transfer Contacts from Android to Computer or Pen Drive

Backing up your phone contacts from time to time is a great way to prevent losing your numbers. You can also download any numbers on your phone to add to databases for various reasons.     Transferring contacts from Android to your computer or pen drive is very straightforward.   1.  Go to contacts. Click […]

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How Can I Import My Data into Hubspot from Another CRM Using Import2?

How Can I Import My Data into Hubspot from Another CRM Using Import2

One of the more popular CRM software options, Hubspot is a great tool for marketing. If you’re changing over or you are setting up for the first time, Hubspot offers several ways to import data from other CRM’s into its database.   The first option, Import2, is a paid option which allows you to one […]

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How to Add a List of Contacts into an Infusionsoft Campaign?

How to Add a List of Contacts into an Infusionsoft Campaign

One of the popular CRM software options, Infusionsoft is a good way to manage your business contacts and leads. If you use Infusionsoft for your marketing needs, you’ll want to know how to import business leads and contacts.   1. First of all save the files you require as a .csv to your desktop or […]

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How to Import Contacts From .Csv File to Hubspot Account?

How to Import Contacts From .Csv File to Hubspot Account

Hubspot is a great Marketing, Sales, and CRM software, that allows you to manage all of your company operation at one place. You can grow like a company twice your size while connecting like a real human being.   To import data into your Hubspot, you have two options:   1. Using This is […]

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How to Transfer Iphone Contacts to Gmail?

How to Transfer Iphone Contacts to Gmail

If you want to make sure your iPhone contacts are available across all devices, one of the best ways of doing this by syncing to a Google account.   This is especially handy if you use an Android phone as well as an iPhone or if you use Gmail to send emails regularly.   Transferring […]

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How to Sync Your Facebook Contacts to Android?

How to Sync Your Facebook Contacts to Android?

Facebook has gone from being just another social network to an essential contact tool for both work and pleasure.   Thankfully it’s very easy to sync your Facebook contacts with any Android device. UPDATE – since a recent app version update, Facebook removed the contacts sync options from Android. To add pictures to your contacts […]

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How to save All My Iphone Contacts into iCloud?

How to save All My Iphone Contacts into Icloud

iCloud, Apple’s cloud storage software, is a great way to backup all your important documents including your contacts.   Using iCloud is pretty straightforward and you will find it available on all iPhones as standard. What this means is that you can access all of your iPhone contacts on your phone, Mac or PC easily. […]

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How to sync contacts into Messenger?

How Do I Sync My Contacts to Messenger

Facebook’s messenger app has become one of the most popular instant messenger options on the market. If you don’t have someone as a friend on Facebook, you can still add them to your contacts on Messenger. Remember, you’ll only be able to add them if they use Facebook Messenger themselves. 1.  In the Messenger app, […]

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