Articles in category: Hack Life

Client Relationship Management Software – what to look for!

Managing relationships with clients is very crucial. Everyone yearns to create and maintain a good relationship with clients for business growth. Today technology has rapidly evolved and provided excellent platforms to manage relationships easily. Since there are many tools in the market, it can be a sweaty assignment to find proper client relationship management (CRM) […]

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Apps to help your Small Business Grow

apps for small businesses

  Every small business owner aims to convert more customers and expand. However, it doesn’t come easy in a competitive business space. There are a lot of factors that help take your business from a startup to success, including investing in the right tech. For example, did you know that the choice of apps can […]

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Why is Professional Networking Important?

  Networking is all about building and nurturing mutually beneficial relationships with people you meet online, in person at the coffee shop, or when attending work conferences, you name it. The main goal of networking is establishing and nurturing a professional network of people. People that you can not only learn from but also be […]

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What is Relationship Management?

  Relationship management is vital in the current business landscape if you want to appeal and retain customers like never before. This explains why businesses are pulling massive resources to fortify their relationship management systems. While plenty of businesses are seeking to exploit it, many do not have a crystal clear understanding of what relationship […]

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Should Your Small Business Use Digital Business Cards?

  Digital business cards are taking shape and giving the business landscape a new way of sharing personal information faster. While big businesses are tapping into the benefits of digital business cards, many small businesses are still lagging. Most small businesses are used to paper cards. No wonder many are still yet to make that […]

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Networking Events Post COVID: What Should We Know?

  Although COVID is not yet gone, it is important to note that networking events post COVID won’t change dramatically. With people trying to minimize contact and leverage the digital space, there is no reason for virtual networking events to slow down post-pandemic. The success of networking events would not simply be dictated by the […]

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Clever Networking Questions to Make a Great First Impression

You might have heard that you never get a second chance at a first impression. During networking, you will naturally ask questions to get desired information about the target. It, therefore, goes without saying that you need to ask clever networking questions. If they don’t tick the boxes, your networking attempt can hit a snag. […]

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Best Networking Apps to Stay in Touch After the Pandemic

  The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has undoubtedly changed the way we interact and network with people across the globe. Networking has shifted from physical meetings to online or virtual meetings. Even in the post-Covid world, don’t expect things to change much. People have tasted and seen the immense benefits of digital networking. Therefore, if you […]

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Virtual Networking Tips: How to Become a Pro

  It is unbelievable how networking can take your business from zero to hero. Effective networking transforms mentorships, friendships, career growth, and business. With the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic wreaking havoc, many activities have shifted online. Virtual networking is the in thing now. Today, it is clear that those who have a wealth of information on […]

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Why You Need a Business Card Scanner?

  Even in the current technologically-driven world, business cards are still around in the networking world. But do we really need them, especially in a post-COVID era? The answer is a yes but in a digital version. Moving around with physical business cards has an equal share of drawbacks. This is why the world is […]

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