Articles in category: How To

How To Create Your Digital Business Card

  Business cards are essential elements in corporate and professional circles. Apart from their obvious utility in showing all of your contact details in a single, convenient location, they are also a way to showcase your personality and make a quick statement about who you are and what you represent. In the post-COVID-19 era, exchanging […]

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How to Bulk Delete Contacts in Zoom?

  The Zoom app allows you to delete contacts, that are no longer poignant to your contact list, in bulk or individually. Before you start deleting contacts in Zoom, you must log in to your Zoom account, preferably through your computer instead of your mobile device. Upon logging in, follow these simple steps to delete […]

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How to Bulk Delete Contacts in Microsoft Teams

  When you create a team of people in Microsoft Teams, you have the option to delete contacts in bulk or individually from that team. Whether the deleted contacts are no longer part of the actual team or whether they are no longer relevant, you have the power to choose members that remain on the […]

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How to Export CamCard to Excel

  CamCard is a business card app that allows you to scan, manage, sync and exchange business cards with ease. Available on Android, iOS and Windows, CamCard ensures that you never lose a contact ever again. If you wish to export your CamCard contacts to Excel, you can do it with ease. Here’s the step-by-step […]

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How do I Create a Contact List on Hubspot?

  Hubspot is, undoubtedly, one of the best tools for Database and Inbound Marketing, especially with activities pertaining to CRM or Customer Relationship Management. Before we understand the 3 simple steps you must follow to create a contact list on Hubspot, let us briefly understand how your business can benefit from Hubspot. Hubspot is essentially […]

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How to Delete Contacts in Skype

Skype allows you to delete contacts individually only. If you decide to delete contacts from Skype, you should not be able to find them in your Skype account anywhere. And you can do so relatively easily, without much effort on your part. If you wish to delete multiple contacts from your Skype contact list, you […]

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How to Segment Contacts for a Successful Marketing Strategy?

  Segmenting your contacts is the first and foremost step you must take to ensure the success of your marketing strategy. But why so? Because each and every segment behaves and acts very differently. And the communication systems and channels designed for one market segment might be highly irrelevant to the other one. For example, […]

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How to Encrypt Contacts on iOS?

Encrypting a phone today could well be classified as just another must-haves. Just as you need food, shelter, air, and clean water, having an encrypted phone has become more a necessity than a need or a choice. And rightly so. Think about it, with communications becoming more advanced with the rise of innovative technology, your […]

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How to Import Contacts from your Phone to Microsoft Teams?

Importing contacts from your phone to Microsoft teams allows for collaboration without the hassle of segregation through your long list of contacts. If you want to import contacts from your phone to Microsoft teams, here are the steps you can take: Step 1: First, navigate to the Microsoft Teams’ admin center. Now, click on Voice, […]

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How to Sync with a Third Party Service on Microsoft Teams?

In Microsoft teams, you have the power to enable synchronization with third part services or third party apps. If you do so, the entire team/organization should be able to use currently installed third party services or install new ones and begin using them. Here is the step-by-step procedure that you can follow to sync third-party […]

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