Articles in category: Hack Life

Making a Habit of Nurturing Your Relationships


Networking is more than just exchanging business cards and hoping for the best. In a world where 85% of jobs are filled through networking, it’s crucial to build and nurture relationships. Mo Bunnell, founder and CEO of Bunnell Idea Group (BIG), and Yiannis Gavrielides, CEO of Covve, discuss the habits that can take your networking […]

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AI Powered Networking


The Fourth Industrial Revolution is transforming the world of work, with artificial intelligence (AI) leading the way. Already, 65% of workplace recruiters use AI to speed up their hiring processes, thanks to tools like ChatGPT and matchmaking algorithms. However, the potential of AI isn’t limited to hiring; it can also leverage career networking relationships. AI […]

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Doug Lester: Never Lose Networking Momentum

Navigating the evolving job market can at times feel like a daunting task. Sending multiple applications every week and not receiving positive feedback can feel like a dead end. So, you turn to your contacts but are unsure about where to start or how to go about it. If you’re feeling stuck and looking for […]

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Navigating the Metaverse: Covve’s Vision for Future Relationship Management

The ways in which we connect have drastically changed over the past few years. From the advancement of smartphones to video conferencing, social media, and now, the metaverse. The metaverse is a virtual space that enables people to interact with one another, regardless of their physical location.  To better understand how the metaverse may impact […]

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Tips from a finance professional: nurture your relationships with a personal CRM

covve nurturing relationships

Attaining success in your profession involves more than just being skilled and punctual with your tasks. Nurturing strong relationships is a key factor in realizing your professional objectives.  In our recent interview with Eric de Santis on networking insights for professionals, he highlights that “expanding your universe of relationships, listening to new ideas, and understanding […]

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How SMEs can grow by using personal CRMs

Many Americans today want to be their own boss and create value through their own business. In fact, according to a USSBA report, small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make up 99.9% of businesses in the United States. With such a high saturation of SMEs, it’s important for brands to stand out and to establish integrity […]

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Doug Lester: Make Networking Less Awkward

Leveraging your network to advance your career or grow your business can seem transactional. Say you have a contact that you’ve spoken to in the past and you’d like to pick their brain again, how would you reach out to them in a way that seems more personal?  Doug Lester, a career strategist and executive […]

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Tips & Tricks from an Entrepreneur: Nurturing Relationships

  Shannen Stewart, Founder and President of Heels and Handshakes, a 3000+ membership network dedicated to helping women in business and entrepreneurs, talks about how Covve Personal CRM has been a game-changer for her as a business owner. “ Relationships are crucial to your success and your personal and professional development… Covve is a no-brainer. […]

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A better system for MBAs and executives to manage their contacts and grow their networks

In his first masterclass for Covve, Doug Lester, a world-class career strategist and executive coach for MBA students and alumni at a top-tier business school and executives at Fortune 100 companies,  shares the importance of abandoning the spreadsheet to take a more sophisticated approach to manage your contacts. The approach he recommends enables professionals to […]

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How Can Covve’s Relationship Management Software Help You Increase Sales

As a salesperson, you need to understand the importance of a relationship management software to close more deals and increase sales. Covve is an excellent example of a personal CRM app that will help you streamline your sales efforts and boost revenue in your company. Wondering how? This article will discuss how Covve can help […]

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