Articles in category: Research & Education

How to follow up after a meeting

Following up after you meet someone is important for preserving and developing a relationship. It paves the way to subsequent meetings and the chance of synergies and new opportunities.  In the words of the award-winning author and corporate trainer, Paul Axwell, “Persistence is a key influence skill. If you want anything to happen you must […]

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Networking is essential for founders

What differentiates a successful startup founder from an unsuccessful one? There are a number of obvious reasons. The product, the team, and the track record. What about the network though? While talent is universal, opportunity is not. No matter how good you are, you will still face limited prospects if you don’t have access to […]

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How to rewarm dormant relationships

Your network stretches well beyond the people you keep in touch with, and that’s okay. You naturally don’t have time to keep in touch with everyone. Nonetheless, the dormant relationships in your network are neither dead nor useless. They quietly exist there until it is time to activate them.  According to a study featured in […]

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All the Right First-time Questions

How many times did you find yourself in a pointless conversation at a networking event? This is a usual phenomenon in events, like corporate mixers, that you did not necessarily sign up for. How can you really make the most out of such events though? Be able to avoid the pointless waste of time that […]

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Boost your career through relationships

Can networking help you advance your career? If yes, how far can it take you? The results may actually surprise you. According to research, networking can actually make a sizable difference in your career. Quoting Harvard Business Review columnist, Rebecca Knight: “Networking is linked to many measures of professional success — including getting promoted, having […]

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Embrace your introversion

  One would expect that introverted people are bad at communicating and don’t do as well in networking. That’s actually a fallacy. Yes, by default introverts don’t find socializing as enjoyable as others may do. They may feel uncomfortable when they are around people, especially ones they don’t know. As a result, they may not […]

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How to make networking a habit

  Let’s start by pointing out the obvious. We all, in the grand scheme of things, know that networking is a good thing. It’s a way to broaden your professional horizons and open up to new opportunities. Expanding your professional circle will not necessarily have an immediate effect on your career. Relationships take time to […]

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Building relationships over food

  Whether you are meeting someone new or touching base with an old contact, you need an engaging point of discussion to get the conversation going. A typical “Hi, how have you been?” won’t get you far. You need to find a topic of mutual interest, establish common ground, and bond over it. According to Susan […]

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Build relationships through video games!

  Networking does not always take place in traditional settings like corporate events or professional mixers. It may take place on other platforms, as a networking dinner, a meetup at the pub, or even in an online multiplayer video game. Although video game environments may seem unconventional for networking at first, they actually foster strong […]

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How reciprocity can forge relationships

  What are the common traits of a master networker? Is it extroversion? Outstanding communication skills? Perhaps the ability to listen? Or all of the above, and more? According to the renowned psychologist, Dr. Marisa Franco, master-networkers share a common key trait. They give back to their network. In her Psychology Today article, she points out: “The one […]

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