Articles in category: Hack Life

Mastering Self-Gratitude to Enhance Social Connections with Sara Schairer

Sara Schairer’s contribution to Covve’s workshop on “Prioritizing Your Social Health,” particularly through her activity focusing on self-gratitude, reflects a deep understanding on the importance of compassion and gratitude in personal and social well-being.  As the founder and CEO of Compassion It, a non-profit organization with a mission to inspire compassionate actions and attitudes, Schairer […]

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Improving Social Health Through Music with Brian Mohr

Prioritizing social health has become crucial as technology continues to become more and more prevalent in our daily routines. A recent workshop led by Covve, titled “Prioritizing Your Social Health,” brought this issue to the forefront, featuring insights from three speakers on building lasting relationships and connecting with people on a deeper level.  Among them, […]

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5 C’s to Deepen Connections With Kindra Maples

Digital interaction has proven to be a great boon in the past 4 years, however time spent connecting with people in-person remains a critical element of our social health. The significance of nurturing social health within corporate settings has never been more pronounced.  Kindra Maples, the Founder and CEO of Culture Crush Business, addresses this […]

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Insightful Exercises to Elevate Your Social Health

Engaging deeply with others and ourselves often gets overshadowed in the hustle of routine life. Yet, the importance of fostering our social health cannot be overstated. To aid in this pursuit, Sara Schairer, Brian Mohr, and Kindra Maples designed unique exercises focusing on building deeper, meaningful connections in our latest workshop, Prioritizing Your Social Health. […]

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Remember the People You Meet — An Easy Strategy for Post-Event Networking

Networking is a pivotal part of professional success, especially during festive or corporate events. However, retaining information about new acquaintances or interesting tidbits you learn about colleagues often fades away in the routine of everyday life.  Imagine leaving a vibrant company event, your mind buzzing with new connections and conversations. Among the many faces, there […]

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Driving Career Growth With Networking from Mo Bunnell and Covve’s Five-Episode Series

The art of building and nurturing relationships stands paramount in business. This truth has been vividly brought to life in the five-episode series collaboration between Mo Bunnell, a renowned business growth expert, and Covve, a leader in innovative networking technology. As we wrap up this insightful series, the final episode offers compelling narratives summarizing Mo’s […]

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Discovering the Dynamics of Social Circles and How Relationships are Prioritized

In the 4th installment of the series “Wired to Socialize,” hosted by Covve CEO Yiannis Gavrielides and featuring evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar, the focus is on understanding the structure and limitations of human social networks.  Central to this discussion is Dunbar’s number, which posits a limit of about 150 people in an individual’s social circle. […]

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Keeping Connections Alive with Dr. Vaneeta Sandhu’s Emoji Exercise

Genuine human connections can sometimes feel sparse when instant gratification and access to the world through the internet is constantly within our reach. The Covve workshop, titled “Healthy Habits of Connection,” aimed to mitigate this by sharing innovative ways to foster and maintain connections. Among the illuminating voices at the workshop was Dr. Vaneeta Sandhu, […]

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Gratitude as the Gateway – Kevin Monroe’s Approach to Deepening Connections

Today’s world is increasingly digitally connected, but human connection seems to be dwindling. This was the premise of the Covve workshop titled “Healthy Habits of Connection,” a gathering that sought to address and bridge this widening gap. Enter Kevin Monroe, the World’s Gratitude Coach at the Grateful App, who shared insights on how gratitude can […]

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The Dance of Vulnerability – Unlocking Authentic Connections with Jessie Jacob

The modern age has brought us unparalleled conveniences, lightning-fast information, and seemingly boundless connection points, yet many individuals find themselves feeling more isolated than ever. As U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy stated, “Our epidemic of loneliness and isolation has been an underappreciated public health crisis that has harmed individual and societal health.”  But amid […]

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