Articles in category: Hack Life

Don’t be a Wallflower, be an Ice Breaker

Building professional relationships can often feel like navigating a minefield of social awkwardness. We’ve all been there: standing on the periphery of a conference, clutching a drink, and feeling like a wallflower. Initiating a conversation with strangers can be daunting, and the initial awkwardness can sometimes be enough to make you want to retreat to […]

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Ben Swire Shows Us How to Unleash Creativity Through Joyful Connections

Ben Swire, a co-founder of Make Believe Works, stands out as an innovative force in the design and writing communities. As a former Design Lead at IDEO, Ben has harnessed his extensive expertise in design thinking, marketing, psychology, literature, and philosophy to reshape how people perceive and interact with the world.  His award-winning work has […]

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Crafting Communities of Generosity and Resilience with Linda Brandt

Linda Brandt, MPH (she/her), is a name synonymous with transformative community engagement and leadership. As the founder and co-organizer of Lean In Together MSP, Linda has spearheaded an incredible journey of growth and empowerment that stretches across the globe.  Building Global Networks With an illustrious career that combines public health advocacy and community development, Linda’s […]

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Connecting Through Storytelling with Brian Helfman

Brian Helfman, Chief Experience Officer at Third Nature, is a visionary in crafting experiences that invigorate and inspire. With a decade of expertise as an entrepreneur, experience designer, facilitator, and coach, Brian specializes in creating dynamic events and workshops that promote clarity, creativity, and connection.  His approach revolves around the philosophy of making life more […]

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Switch off Auto-Pilot, Switch on You

Navigating the professional world requires more than just expertise in your field; it demands an ability to connect with others. This is especially true when it comes to the often-dreaded task of cold calling. However, there’s a transformative approach that can turn these chilly interactions into warm, engaging opportunities for growth. Turning Cold Calls into […]

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Stop Being Unreliable and Forgetful by Adopting These 4 Habits

Have you ever been invited to a friend’s or co worker’s home for dinner and brought something that their partner is allergic to after your friend or coworker asked you to bring anything but that specific thing? It was an innocent mistake, but it could be viewed as a disrespectful act, or could even be […]

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Managing Your Anxiety & Awkwardness, with Tech

Let’s face it, the mere thought of reaching out to someone you haven’t spoken to in ages can feel like deciding to jump out of a perfectly good airplane—exciting to some, downright terrifying to others. This especially rings true in a world where “I’ll text you!” often fades into the digital abyss, only to resurface […]

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Deepening Connections Through the Power of Names With Beth Ridley’s Insightful Approach

Science fiction novelist, Patrick Rothfuss, wrote “as names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts. There are seven words that will make a person love you. There are ten words that will break a strong man’s will. But a word […]

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Fostering Authentic Connections – Insights from Garry Ridge at Covve’s Connection Crew Masterclass

Amidst the bustling realm of professional networking and personal growth, the Covve’s Connection Crew: A Joyful Masterclass for Connection Professionals stands out as a beacon for those eager to forge meaningful relationships and achieve personal betterment. Among the distinguished panelists, Garry Ridge, the former Chairman of the Board and CEO of WD-40, Executive Coach, and […]

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Finding Workplace Joy by Fostering Meaningful Connections

Katya Davydova, Transformation Coach and Founder of Effervescent You, brought a refreshing perspective to Covve’s Connection Crew Masterclass, offering participants not just insights into fostering deeper workplace relationships but also practical steps to enhance their networking practices. As a multifaceted professional with a mission to create a more joyful world, Katya’s engagement in the workshop […]

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