Networking is essential for founders

What differentiates a successful startup founder from an unsuccessful one? There are a number of obvious reasons. The product, the team, and the track record. What about the network though? While talent is universal, opportunity is not. No matter how good you are, you will still face limited prospects if you don’t have access to […]

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How to rewarm dormant relationships

Your network stretches well beyond the people you keep in touch with, and that’s okay. You naturally don’t have time to keep in touch with everyone. Nonetheless, the dormant relationships in your network are neither dead nor useless. They quietly exist there until it is time to activate them.  According to a study featured in […]

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How To Add Daily Reminders on Galaxy S22?

Life’s constant hustle and bustle can make you forget the most basic and essential things. Imagine walking into your office only to discover that you left your laptop at home. With horror, you might also realize that you left your house keys on top of your office4 desk after a long day. Fortunately, reminders help […]

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How can Digital Business Cards Change the Sales Game?

How can Digital Business Cards Change the Sales Game?

Digitalization is the spirit of our times. More so because of the endless opportunities and possibilities it makes possible. A majority of the key players in the corporate sector recognize that digital business cards are a must-have for relevance in this digital age. Digital business cards are an efficient contact management tool that makes corporate […]

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How to Create a Successful PR Strategy for Your Business

How to Create a Successful PR Strategy for Your Business

Nowadays, the digital era has transformed the PR landscape. In order to be successful, you need to have a well-thought-out PR strategy. Digital transformation is a matter of survival these days although only less than 10% of the companies have completely implemented digital business strategies. Knowing this, you can be ahead of the game by […]

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Can you share iPhone Reminders?

Setting reminders make you and your team organized. You will never forget about an important task or event. If you and your team share the same to-do list, then there is no need for everyone to create the list and reminders individually. You can simply create the list and share the reminders with the team […]

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What is Near Field Communication, and Where is it used?

What is Near Field Communication, and Where is it used?

Ever heard of NFC and wondering what is? NFC stands for Near Field Communications. It is a proximity-based wireless communication technology that is limited to an extremely short range. Therefore, it requires devices to be in close proximity for it to work. This technology allows users to have secure transactions and connect electronic devices with […]

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What is a Mobile CRM, and Why is It Important in Any Kind Of Business?

What is a Mobile CRM, and Why is It Important in Any Kind Of Business?

When people talk about CRM, they almost imagine CRM desktop tools. However, the technological landscape has rapidly transformed, and now mobile CRM is a reality. You can contact, organize, and network with target customers/clients on your phone. What looked theoretical is now practical and can be done by anyone with a mobile device. Sounds great. […]

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What Apps Can Make Your Smartphone Even Smarter?

What Apps Can Make Your Smartphone Even Smarter?

In this era of smart gadgets and mobile phones, as an entrepreneur you may be looking for some critter comforts and devices to make your lives easier. Fortunately, developers are putting their best foot forward and will stop at nothing to ensure they come up with brilliant, free-to-use applications for smartphone users across the globe. […]

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Why is Having an Up-to-Date Smartphone A Requirement for Every Entrepreneur?

Why is Having an Up-to-Date Smartphone A Requirement for Every Entrepreneur?

A great percentage of the population today uses smartphones to communicate with their loved ones and search for their favorite products and brands. As an entrepreneur in this technological era, you need not be left behind. An updated smartphone will help skyrocket the success of your business. Keep reading this article to discover the advantages […]

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