How To Stay Motivated And Productive While Working Remotely


Working remotely sounds like all fun and games. There is that freedom of working without a boss checking on you, no commuting, and wearing what you want. People tend to be more productive than working in an office. According to studies, 75% of people are as productive or even more, during COVID-19 while working from home.

The fun part comes to a halt when you get distracted. Kids can come running to your desk. Another family member turns the TV on or you can catch yourself doom scrolling on social media. With all these kinds of distractions, you will be unproductive, stressed and you will keep procrastinating.

And since remote working here to stay, the question becomes, how will you stay motivated and productive while working remotely? The following strategies can help you stay focused and productive. Try them out!

1. Set Up A Home Office

You may be comfortable working from your couch but you will be prone to distractions like TV. You need to set up a dedicated workspace within your silent home. If possible, create a space in one of the rooms to lock the door for more privacy. Invest in a comfortable chair, a good desk, and a computer. Also, it is good to inform your family members about your working hours so that they can respect it without causing unnecessary distractions.


2. Declutter Your Office

After setting up a dedicated workspace, you need to declutter your office to improve your productivity. Remove unnecessary files, papers, books, or any item on your desk that might distract you. “Clutter doesn’t just refer to physical things. Nonessential software on your computer can be considered digital clutter. Try organizing documents into folders and delete any unnecessary files.” says Caroline Castrillon, a contributor at Forbes.


3. Use Productivity Apps

To ensure that you stay on track of your daily or weekly activities, you need to get an app that allows you to stay organized. You can also use time trackers to ensure that you are focused on a specific task for a set time.

Another major key when working remotely is not to fall behind on your networking game. Set reminders for weekly calls with important contacts and stay in touch with people by using a free smart personal CRM app, like Covve.


4. Take Breaks

Working from home does not mean you work around the clock. Take breaks, do some stretches, drink some water. Be mindful of your health. Doing daily exercise, whether indoors or outdoors, will make you feel good and energized for the next task.


Staying motivated and productive while working from home might be challenging but you can overcome it if you are organized. Covve smart address books can help you organize your schedule, set reminders, and make notes of your connections. Download it for iOS and Android here, and watch your productivity skyrocket!

Updated on 25 Aug 2021.

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