College is all about your future, and everything you do in college is about preparing you for what you will do after you graduate. An important part of this preparation that many college students forget to capitalize on is networking. College is one of, if not THE best place to build your network. And in today’s competitive society, it’s never too early to start developing your own personal network of contacts that will help you elevate your future career.
Take a look around, because your friends, professors, and advisors will turn out to be invaluable assets for many years to come, providing you with a source of valuable referrals, insights and future business opportunities. Just imagine the benefit of staying in touch and personal with these people you meet in college – priceless.
The importance of networking might be embedded in your mind, but reality could be that you walk into a career fair with bubbling excitement of making connections, but don’t know how to make the networking process effective and the connections long-lasting.
Covve is an intelligent contact management app that helps you keep, nurture and grow relationships in a very intuitive way throughout your daily routine.
Scan your business cards
To get started, the first thing Covve helps you with is to organize loads of business cards you collect from each career fair. Instead of storing all the information manually, Covve enables you to scan business cards, and obtain contact details including name, job title, and email within seconds.
Organize and tag
Moreover, you can also set specific tags for each contact, such as “networking recruiters” or “company reps”, to help you quickly identify and categorize your contacts.
Stay in touch
Don’t think you are all set with networking by simply attending a career fair. There’s much more to do, and one of the most essential tasks is to stay in touch with the connections you made, which is also the area university students might struggle with the most.
Covve’s “in touch” feature can help you make those connections warm and long-lasting. Stay in touch with the people that matter the most. Receive automatic contact reminders by specifying how often you want to stay in-touch, and allow Covve to remind you on who to contact.
Log communications and add notes
Covve allows you to track communication with each contact through the “Comms” feature. No matter if it’s a call, text, email or meet up, you can take notes against each conversation, and have a complete communication history, so you can easily go back, review and facilitate your future interaction with that specific person.
We all know the saying that states who you know is more powerful than what you know. In the end, what really matters is being in a position to pick up the phone, and hear a friendly voice on the other side. So, our suggestion? Make the most of your college days and invest time in networking.
Updated on 09 Jun 2017.
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