How to Tell If You Have Been Blocked on Whatsapp

Have you been trying communicate with a contact via WhatsApp without success? Are you beginning to wonder why you can’t see any updates from that contact anymore? It is quite possible that the contact in question decided to block you! Before you draw any conclusions, it is best to know for sure what the situation is. 

To confirm whether or not you have been blocked by a contact on WhatsApp, try the methods mentioned below:

Look for the contact’s last seen or online status in the chat window

This is the most common and easiest way to check if you have been blocked by a contact. If you are unable to view a contact’s “last seen” or “online” status, it may be an indication that you have been blocked. However, results from this action are not enough for confirmation; maybe the contact simply changed their “last seen” settings. Nonetheless, it is definitely one of the indicators to take note of. 



Send a message to the contact

Messages sent to any contact who has blocked you will always show one check mark. This is an indication that the message was sent from your side, but failed to update to a double check mark –  which signifies that the message has been delivered. On its own, this not enough to draw conclusions, but may be a sign that you have been blocked. 



Look for updates to the contact’s profile photo

If you have been blocked by a contact on WhatsApp, you will never again get an update on the contact’s profile picture. 


Call the contact

All attempts to place a call through WhatsApp to a contact who has blocked you will not go through. 



Note: It is important you are aware that all the indicators mentioned above can be influenced by a simple network error so make sure your network is running well before hurrying to any conclusions.

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Written on 15 Jul 2019.

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