Sparking Gratitude with Devin Keane

The Joyful Masterclass for Connection Professionals brought together a unique mix of people passionate about making the world a little more connected. Among the standout voices at the event was Devin Keane, the co-founder and COO of Gratitude Plus, a social app that’s helping people cultivate meaningful relationships through daily moments of appreciation. Devin’s mission is simple: reduce loneliness and build connections that last.

But what sets Devin apart is his hands-on approach. In addition to leading the Gratitude Plus team, he writes the popular “Build Better” newsletter, filled with practical tips on deepening connections in both personal and professional settings. 

And when he’s not sharing his insights through the app or his writing, you might find him on the soccer field, organizing casual games for tech professionals to bond over the beautiful game. For Devin, connection isn’t a grand gesture—it’s a series of small, joyful moments.

Sharing Small Moments of Joy

At the workshop, Devin took participants on a heartwarming journey with his activity, Growing Gratitude: Sharing Small Moments of Joy. The goal was to show just how powerful it can be to take a step back, reflect, and share what we’re grateful for with the people in our lives. It was a simple exercise, but the impact was palpable.

Here’s how it went down and how you can try it at home:

  1. Start with a Moment of Reflection
    Devin asked everyone to take a deep breath and think of a recent moment that made them feel happy, excited, or just grateful. “It doesn’t have to be anything huge,” he explained. “Think of the small things. Maybe it was a coffee break with a colleague, or a quick phone call with a friend. It’s these tiny, positive interactions that shape our lives.”
  2. Pair Up and Share
    Once participants had their moments in mind, they paired up and took turns sharing their experiences. Each person had one minute to describe the moment and the person they shared it with. It was incredible to see how quickly the energy in the room shifted as people spoke. Smiles grew wider, shoulders relaxed, and laughter filled the space.
  3. Reflect and Mirror Back
    The listener’s role was just as important. After each story, they took a minute to reflect on what they noticed. Was there a change in the speaker’s voice? Did their expression light up when describing the moment? This mirroring exercise helped both partners appreciate how much joy these small experiences truly brought.
  4. Send a Note of Gratitude
    To wrap up the exercise, Devin encouraged everyone to take out their phones and send a quick text or voice note to the person they mentioned, letting them know how much that shared moment meant. It was a simple action, but it created an immediate ripple of positivity. “It’s like planting a seed,” Devin said. “The more we share gratitude, the more it grows.”

Turning Small Moments into Big Changes

Devin’s activity left a lasting impression on everyone who participated. It wasn’t just about saying “thank you.” It was about truly noticing and appreciating the everyday interactions that often go unnoticed. For Devin, these are the building blocks of stronger relationships.

“I believe connection is built one small moment at a time,” Devin shared during the workshop. “By sharing those moments, we make the connection stronger and more resilient.”

If you want to give this activity a try, think of someone who made you smile recently and let them know. Send a text, make a call, or even write them a note. You might be surprised at how such a simple gesture can make a big difference.

The Joyful Masterclass for Connection Professionals proved once again that cultivating meaningful relationships doesn’t have to be complicated. With leaders like Devin showing us the way, building a more connected world feels not only possible but also joyful.

Written on 11 Oct 2024.

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