Ever since its emergence, technology has been continuously revolutionizing many aspects of our day-to-day lives. This is greatly evident in the way people communicate and connect these days.
According to The Guardian, on average, a typical American spends three hours and fifteen minutes on their phones every day. Additionally, as mentioned in our post, ‘Is Technology Pushing Us Apart?’ the rise of social networks has provided us with the ability to reach people who either have the same interests or are part of the same industry wherever in the world they may be.
With this newfound reliance on technology, it is all the more important that industries learn how to best utilize it when it comes to networking. The ability to network and market in this tech-driven world is something that’s sure to help you advance. Maryville University explains that this skillset can help qualify you for 19,700 new careers in advertising, promotions, and marketing management between 2014 to 2024. While different social media platforms make it easier to introduce yourself and make first impressions, many find it hard to turn these online connections into meaningful relationships. So here are some tips on how to make and keep connections in today’s tech-driven world:
Actively network
While it is true that networking can happen randomly, an article on Medium emphasizes that it’s best to deliberately research and attend events that will help you at every stage of your career. As technology becomes more and more advanced, the opportunity to have either face-to-face or verbal communication lessens, so professionals must really dedicate some of their time to attend events and focus on relationship building. After all, these kinds of encounters are able to foster deeper and more meaningful relationships.
Be prepared
Even the most outgoing person can sometimes find networking events overwhelming. To avoid freezing up or getting tongue-tied, be sure to prepare in advance. According to CIO, think of ice-breakers and questions that people may ask you so you can prepare for them. It also pays to do some research before attending an event. If you are able to get your hands on the list of people who are attending, try to identify who you might have a synergy with and people who you think can be helpful for your business or career.
Make a lasting impression
First impressions are important, but with the recent advancements in technology it isn’t as challenging anymore. As such, it is more important to make a lasting impression. Because, as Forbes details, networking is like dating – only the goal is to find people you have “business chemistry” with. So, whenever you find yourself in a situation where you can network, remember to be genuine and authentic. Talk with and not at people, and make sure to truly listen to others because you’ll never know when you can get advice or insights that can be helpful for you.
Always follow-up
With technology comes the ease of connecting with other people through various platforms, so take full advantage of this. If you’ve had a great exchange with someone, remember to ask them the best way to stay in touch and message them within 48 hours. Entrepreneur points out that when it comes to networking, the success lies in the follow-up. When crafting your follow-up message, recall a memorable moment of your exchange so they can remember you and give compliments for the parts that stood out for you.
Because of technology, when it comes to networking, you shouldn’t see it as a hindrance, rather as a tool that can make it easier and more efficient for everyone to communicate and connect.
Specially written for covve.com
by JJ Brexton
Written on 03 Jan 2020.
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