Why People Don’t Trust You

Your relationships need you to hold yourself accountable

We’ve all been there. You meet someone, hit it off, and then… silence. Days turn into weeks, and before you know it, you’ve missed their birthday or completely forgot about a catch-up coffee you planned. It happens more often than we like to admit, and yet, we wonder why some of our relationships feel distant or disconnected.

It’s about thoughtfulness—how much care you’re putting into maintaining your connections. If people don’t trust you, it’s usually because they don’t feel like they’re seen or valued. The truth? Relationships need more than sporadic attention. They need consistent thoughtfulness, and that means holding yourself accountable.

Accountability and Connection

We love to talk about how relationships are built on trust, but how many of us actually practice it? Trust doesn’t grow on the occasional text or obligatory LinkedIn check-in. Trust comes from showing up, remembering details, and keeping promises. Sometimes things come up and cause us to cancel last minute commitments and we promise to make it up to them. It’s important to follow through with all of the above to gain trust.

Covve’s personal CRM (pCRM) steps in here to help make sure the people in your life feel like a priority. Whether it’s a nudge to reconnect with an old friend or a reminder of your coworker’s big meeting next week, the pCRM keeps your attention where it matters. It’s not about being perfect—it’s about being present.

Why Thoughtfulness Matters

Think about your best relationships. Chances are, they didn’t grow just because you shared the same workspace or had a few good conversations. They grew because there was care, and that care was shown consistently. Thoughtfulness means more than remembering birthdays or responding to texts within five minutes. It’s about making an effort to keep up with what’s going on in someone else’s life, even when they’re not right in front of you.

Covve’s pCRM acts like your personal reminder that thoughtfulness is a habit, not a one-time gesture. With a tool like this, it becomes easy to act intentionally and at the right time. Whether it’s catching up after that long-overdue lunch or keeping track of your friend’s new hobby, you show them that they’re important to you.

The Trust Gap

So, why don’t people trust you? It’s not because you’re unreliable on purpose. The reality is we often get caught up in our own lives and lose track of the people who matter. Trust isn’t lost in big, dramatic moments. It’s chipped away by the little, unnoticed absences.

Building habits of connection takes time, but the payback is solid, lasting trust. Covve’s pCRM can help close that gap. It reminds you that trust needs maintenance. It can be the small tap on your shoulder when you’ve let things slide for too long.

Start small. You don’t need to become a relationship guru overnight. But if you want people to trust you, you need to show that you’re thinking about them—regularly. It’s about consistency over perfection.

With a pCRM, you don’t have to feel overwhelmed. It takes the guesswork out of managing your relationships. You’ll never have to wonder if it’s been too long since you last spoke or worry about missing out on important life events. You’ll be proactive, and that’s where the magic happens.

Ready to Be More Thoughtful?

Accountability isn’t about guilt-tripping yourself or feeling bad for what you haven’t done. It’s about owning up and deciding to do better. Covve’s pCRM makes sure you’re on track, and that the people in your life feel appreciated. Thoughtfulness is a skill—one that’s built through action, not intention.

The next time someone doesn’t trust you, reflect on whether you’ve really been there for them. And if you haven’t, there’s no better time to start changing that. Thoughtfulness, with a little help from Covve, can help you hold yourself accountable and build the trust you’re missing.

Give Covve a try for free. If you’re not quite ready, subscribe to The Networker, our bi-weekly newsletter, to stay up to date on connection insights and tips.

Written on 14 Oct 2024.

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