You are a True Anchor! What does it mean?

Covve Compass True Anchor

Anchors are professionals who prioritize building and maintaining deep, meaningful connections. They believe in the power of a close-knit professional network, fostering personally fulfilling and professionally advantageous relationships.

As a true anchor you are in the middle of your professional network, strictly focusing on first-degree connections. In other words, you mostly engage with people you already know! Is this correct?


Here’s how you engage with other professionals

Focus on Team Dynamics: Anchors prioritize cultivating deep, enduring relationships within their teams. You emphasize trust, mutual support, and strong interpersonal bonds.

Focus on Building Connections: Your networking style mirrors your team approach, favoring a few, substantial, long-term professional connections over a wide array of superficial ones.

Impact on Success: Anchors create a solid foundation of trust and support, both in your teams and networks, essential for critical professional moments.


How can you get better?

While their approach to networking is profoundly beneficial, Anchors might consider occasionally stepping out of their comfort zone to embrace new connections. This can bring fresh perspectives and opportunities, enriching their professional journey without compromising the depth of their existing relationships. A strategic expansion into new networks, without losing the essence of their deep connections, can help Anchors keep their approach fresh and relevant. Integrating diverse viewpoints and skills into their network can lead to personal growth and unexpected professional opportunities.

Here are a few resources that can help you!



Who are your fellow networkers? Discover the Connection Compass universe 

Covve Connection Compass

The Covve Connection Compass framework helps you recognize your networking tendencies, from focusing on deep, long-standing connections to seeking new contacts in uncharted territories. By identifying your primary networking style, you can strategize your networking efforts, balance deepening existing relationships with exploring new ones, and adapt your approach to suit different professional contexts and goals.

Find out who your fellow networkers are so that you can equip yourself for more strategic interactions based on others’ networking behaviors. 



Covve Compass Anchor

Anchors are professionals who prioritize building and maintaining deep, meaningful connections. They believe in the power of a close-knit professional network, fostering personally fulfilling and professionally advantageous relationships.



Covve Compass Catalyst

Catalysts adeptly balance nurturing existing relationships with exploring new connections. They are skilled in using their current network as a springboard to reach out to new contacts, thereby maintaining a dynamic and versatile professional network.



Covve Compass Connector

Connectors excel at networking through second-degree connections, effectively bridging different groups and communities. They are adept at expanding their network through known contacts, thus accessing a wide array of opportunities and insights.



Covve Compass Pathfinder

Pathfinders are known for actively seeking new contacts while maintaining ties with their existing network. They balance the pursuit of fresh opportunities with a certain level of familiarity, making them adaptable in dynamic professional landscapes.



Covve Compass Explorer

Explorers are characterized by their pursuit of entirely new connections, constantly expanding their network into uncharted territories. Their focus on broadening their network aligns with the modern professional landscape’s demand for innovation and cross-industry collaboration.


Updated on 16 Feb 2024.