Are You Selling Yourself Short?

Sell more with the right connections

You’ve got a killer sales strategy, but here’s the thing—no matter how solid it is, if it’s not reaching the right people, it’s like casting a net in a dry lake. Zero bites. Why? Because the key to effective sales isn’t just about having a polished pitch or a savvy closing technique. It’s about knowing who you’re pitching to.

So, who are the “right” people? Spoiler alert: it’s not as simple as “someone who wants to buy.” It’s more nuanced than that. The right people are those you have a real, meaningful connection with. The ones who see you as more than just a salesperson. They see you as a partner, a resource, and a trustworthy voice in your industry.

And that’s where relationship-building comes in. This part of the puzzle can seem a bit overwhelming at first, but it’s a matter of habit, making it easier and worthwhile in the long run.

To help you on your journey of creating more value for yourself and others, incorporate these five elements in your relationship building efforts, and have a look at how Covve can help you.

1. Start Conversations, Not Sales Pitches

Everyone’s busy—no one wants to be sold to. But people love to talk. They want to share their pain points, swap stories, and get to know the person behind the company. So forget the elevator pitch and start with a genuine conversation. Build rapport by learning what makes them tick. What are their goals? What are they struggling with? This creates a foundation of trust before you even bring up what you’re offering.

Covve makes it easy to track these details. With its personal CRM, you can keep tabs on those little nuggets of information—like someone’s recent promotion or their interest in sustainability—that will set you apart as someone who actually listens.

2. Break Down Barriers, One Introduction at a Time

Networking events can feel like speed dating. But instead of focusing on how many business cards you can collect, focus on how many real connections you can make. Be the one who introduces people to each other. When you’re the connector, you become invaluable. People see you as someone who adds value before even making a sale.

With Covve, you’ll know who’s already in your network that might be the perfect matchmaker for a new connection. Imagine introducing someone you met last week to someone you met a year ago because you remembered a shared interest or business challenge. That’s the magic of making networking about people, not transactions.

3. Get Deep, Not Wide

It’s tempting to go broad with your sales outreach—after all, more calls or emails mean more opportunities, right? But there’s a trade-off. When you spread yourself too thin, your connections become shallow, and people notice. Instead, focus on cultivating deeper relationships with fewer prospects. Get to know your contacts on a more personal level. Learn about their challenges and provide value—even if it doesn’t directly benefit your bottom line.

Covve helps you keep track of these interactions, ensuring that no detail gets lost in the shuffle. With its ability to log calls and notes, you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips, so when you do reach out, it’s with personalized, relevant touchpoints.

4. Leverage Your Existing Network

Sometimes the right people are already within your circle—you just haven’t made the connection yet. Look at your existing contacts. Have you stayed in touch? Are you nurturing those relationships? Warm leads—those who already know and trust you—are gold mines. 

Reaching out with a friendly update or congratulations on their recent achievement keeps you top of mind. They may not need your product today, but they’ll think of you first when they do.

Covve’s smart reminders ensure you never miss an opportunity to reconnect and strengthen these ties. And with the personalized news feed, you’ll always have an easy way to break the ice by sharing a relevant article or congratulating them on a newsworthy milestone.

5. Listen and Learn

The best salespeople aren’t always talking—they’re listening. Get curious about your contacts. Ask thoughtful questions. Dig into the “why” behind their needs. What’s driving their interest? What problems are they looking to solve? When people feel heard, they’re more likely to trust and respect you.

Covve’s insights and contact management help you stay organized, so you’re never scrambling to remember who said what. The more you know about your network, the better positioned you are to offer solutions that actually matter. Just as Mo Bunnell, business development expert stated, “a great deal may make your year, but a great relationship can make your entire career.”

Whether it’s a reminder to reach out or a tailored news update that gives you an easy way to start a conversation, Covve makes it simple to stay engaged. So stop selling yourself short. Focus on the people first. Because when you know who you’re selling to, selling gets a whole lot easier.

Give Covve a try for free. If you’re not quite ready, subscribe to The Networker, our bi-weekly newsletter, to stay up to date on connection insights and tips.

Written on 07 Oct 2024.

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